So I have had people ask and have also seen comments on his various social media pages in regard to seeing Blue at Crystal Mountain. So I thought I would share what my vision is, though by it’s very nature, the timing is impossible to predict.
Since my primary position is a real estate agent, that responsibility obviously comes first. I simply can’t be watching a puppy and doing my job at the same time; nor do I want anyone else’s performance to be affected by a furry monster…even a really cute one!
So, I’ll be obedience training him at home and we’ll be attending organized obedience training as well. Realize that Fisher had been through all levels of training, through “Super Advanced” before he and I both came to Crystal about 7 years ago.
My goal is to have Blue here on a full-time basis, as the Resort K9 Ambassador, when I feel as though he is ready. And honestly, I can’t predict exactly when that will be. It all depends on how well the two of us work together and reach the goals necessary to “perform the job’. That means no sharp puppy teeth nips on a small child saying hello. That means no running off from the area in which he is permitted. And so much more.
However, that doesn’t mean he won’t be at Crystal before he has perfected all of these things. I will work with our marketing team and we will do something like “Meet the K9 Ambassador Days”, when I will have him in the office and out on the slopes at various times, allowing guests and friends to meet him when he is under my supervision. He’ll also be around the resort occasionally for photo shoots with me…yet another chance to meet him!
It’s easy to look back on Fisher’s days and remember how easily he performed his “job”. But that didn’t happen without all the work we put in together. I am confident that Blue will grow to be a wonderful Ambassador and I promise to keep everyone updated as to when he will be at the resort!

– Jeff Rabidoux